Hypocrite Rishi grants new oil and gas licences

31 July 2023
oil and gas

Whilst campaining against climate change, Rishi Sunak has succumbed to his ego and played into the narrative of the Just Stop Oil protestors, issuing more oil and gas licences.

In a move that has sparked outrage and accusations of impropriety, the UK government under the leadership of Prime Minister Rishi has issued 100 new licenses for oil and gas extraction in the country. The decision, which comes on the heels of public protests against the "Just Stop Oil" movement, has raised concerns about the government's commitment to environmental sustainability and transparency.

Critics have pointed out the timing of the decision, as it closely follows public anger and protests against the "Just Stop Oil" movement, which advocates for a shift away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources. The move is seen by many as an attempt to capitalise on public frustration against the protests, whilst also undermining the legitimacy of the protestors' concerns.

Adding fuel to the fire, reports have surfaced regarding InfoSys, a company which Rishi Sunak's wife has a major share, being awarded a substantial £1.5 billion contract with BP, a major player in the oil and gas industry. The proximity of this contract award to the government's decision to issue new extraction licenses has raised suspicions of potential conflicts of interest and even corruption.

Critics argue that these actions undermine the government's credibility and its ability to make unbiased decisions in the best interest of the public and the environment. Environmental activists and opposition leaders have been quick to condemn the government's actions, with many demanding transparency and accountability.

The controversy deepens with the recent revelation of Prime Minister Rishi's comments regarding his use of a private jet for travel, despite growing concerns about carbon emissions and the need for high-ranking officials to set an example in adopting eco-friendly practices. His statement, which suggested prioritising personal convenience over reducing his carbon footprint, has drawn widespread condemnation and has further eroded public trust in his administration's commitment to combating climate change.

In response to the growing backlash, the government has defended its decisions, stating that the oil and gas industry remains a vital contributor to the UK's economy and energy needs. They argue that the contracts awarded are based on a competitive bidding process and that proper protocols have been followed.

As the controversy unfolds, the nation watches closely to see how the government addresses these allegations and whether meaningful steps will be taken to prioritise integrity over personal interests.