Increasing Attacks on US Bases Amidst Preperations for Israels Invasion of Gaza

24 October 2023
Increasing Attacks on US Bases Amidst Preperations for Israels Invasion of Gaza

US military bases in the Middle East, mostly in Iraq, have faced a growing wave of attacks, leading to heightened concerns about the security of US personnel. A series of videos, posted on Telegram by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, depict missiles and drones believed to be operated by Iranian-backed militias taking off from the desert and heading towards US bases. In some footage, these strikes are seen landing directly on the bases, increasing anxiety amongst the military and politicians back in Washington.

The videos are often accompanied with warnings of further strikes, and urge Iraqis to stay clear of U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria. The increasing frequency and sophistication of these assaults have shown a far superior ability in the various factions than the usual subjects of US military actions.

The ripple effects of these threats are not limited to Iraq alone. Kuwait, in an official statement, expressed its deep concerns about threats made to US bases on its own soil and urgently called on its citizens to steer clear of any areas associated with these bases. As these attacks escalate, Americans at home have been calling for the US to leave the region and not get involved in Israel's war.